Friday, September 19, 2008

Assignment 5 Data Compression basics

this article discussed the differences between lossy, lossless and video compression.  Regarding the article, I was doing well as he explained the need and the why's of each of these kinds of compressions.  I also understood the coding--how it is done to preserve space, and the using of lossy for visual compression (the subtle differences that are fairly unnoticable).  Also the use of streaming video vs. a digital video file.
Once all three parts of the article got into coding--I have to admit i was lost!  Just as i thought i was understanding the codes, the markers, etc.  the author would throw in more things--even more confusing to me.  My week's muddy point!  

1 comment:

Joan said...

Hi Lori,

I have to agree with your muddiest point this week. Mine's the same. What do we need to take from algorithms and color numbers etc. etc. etc. Someone mentioned something about algebra?? I don't think I ever got that way back in high school.
Anyway, I enjoyed reading your thoughts about YouTube as well. I would love to get video of our library programs, or building itself out for the people to see.