Friday, September 12, 2008

Assigned Reading Intro To Metadata, Anne Gilliand

Metadata is important for the continuation of archival digitalization and preservation.  While there are different ways to archive objects, it is critical that metadata and content coexist.  The Life Cycle of Objects Contained in a Digital Info. System follow the same path:
  • creation---the objects need to be created digitally or converted
  • organization--either automatically or manually added to the structure
  • searching and retrieval--sorted and distributed objects are subjected by users .  the system created tracking, retrieval and gathers users transactions.
  • utilization--objects are utilized, reproduced and modified.
  • preservation and disposition--ensuring continued availability.  objects inactive may be discarded.
The importance of metadata guarantees users increased accessibility.  Users can find information that they need, using the pathways of expanded use.  Here a researcher or student, can use what is worthwhile information to them or discard information that may not be relevant to their unique situation.  It also gives a new clients the ability to utilize, discover and study objects that they may not have had previous ability to discover.  Think of how research papers for middle and high school students have changed through out the years.  With the ability to gather so much data at their finger tips, they must not only decide what is/is not relevant to their paper but they must help accountable to put in more information than their predecessors as their is so much more availability of larger amounts of content due to metadata.

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