Friday, October 17, 2008

Assigned Reading 8 w3school HTML

Basic primer in what html is/does.  I looked at the beginner "course" and it was interesting to find out exactly how the html code works.  Basically broken down into:
the intro
the elements
basic tags
attributes--were to center, colors, borders, sizes

The best part of this web site was being able to "play" with how the html works.  I liked the fact that you could go into the example, and rework their example--then click and see what you had created.  I knew a little about the html--but this was more specific to me--especially reading that there is a 1st tag and an end tag and how they are written.  Also how the content is written in between the tags.  

1 comment:

Tamoul said...

Hi Lori,

CSS is like a template or macro for formating more than one Web page at the same time. For instance, if you want a logo to appear in the same location on your web pages you would write that into the CSS using the html tags. Another way to explain CSS would be to say it's file you create with formating code. The file must be present in the same folder as your html code file for it to have any affect on your web pages. The same goes for logo files like .pdf or .jpg files.
I hope this helps to get rid of some of the mystery.